Ya know, the one with her shit together lol

Elevate Your Everyday: Creating Habits for a Blissful Life

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a handful of influencers that I looked up to—those girls who seemed like they had it all figured out. They had hair care routines, skincare routines, morning routines, and bedtime routines. Their homes were clean with cute home decor, and their lives seemed just ideal. Now, I know it’s not feasible to expect a perfect life. But I do believe there are things you can do to elevate your everyday, and I am going to help you do so today. So, let’s get into it!

We’re talking about creating habits that help you reach your full potential and live a life full of bliss. Similar to your New Year’s resolutions, we’re going to be goal setting, but in a more attainable way. I hope you’re just as excited as I am (even though I just finished mine).

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for setting those HUGE goals for each new year. However, I am notorious for missing a day and acting like it’s the end of the world. For example, saying I am going to go to the gym every single day in 2023 was more like going every day for about a month and then skipping three days for my period. I got mad at myself for not going, which turned into embarrassment thinking people were going to notice I skipped, which led to me taking a gym sabbatical for like three months and then feeling like I had to start from level zero in the gym all over again. Yes, I did this TWICE in 2023. No, I didn’t plan on admitting that on here, lol.

But it made me realize that my brain is not wired to focus on the future. Nor should yours be. We’re doing this one day at a time, baby. I have no idea what the future holds, so to me, setting goals for December 2024 seems way too far away. What if I move? What if I have different friends? What if I win the lottery? What if I get married? There is so much that can (and will) happen over the next year that, to me, long-term goals seem unrealistic sometimes. So I like to keep it simple. One day at a time.

Setting Attainable Goals

Assuming you hate feeling like a failure as much as I do, I am going to teach you a method to create and stick to your goals as you evolve and change throughout the year. Are you ready?

I assume you are still reading this because, in some way or form, you feel like you can relate. Instead of focusing on the hopes and dreams of the future, I prefer to focus on my day-to-day life, concentrating on the things I CAN control, like my habits and my attitude.

A few years ago, I started goal setting on a month-to-month basis, and it has TRANSFORMED the way I look at and live my life. DISCLAIMER: I did not come up with this idea, but it has helped me create those smaller habits that matter in my day-to-day life.

We’re going to do this together (and by together, I mean I am going to walk you through how and hope you choose to share it with me via IG or the comment section of this post when you are finished so I can hype you up, help you break down, and help keep you accountable).

Getting Started

So, here’s what you’re going to need:

  • Pen/Pencil (I like to use colors and decorate mine, but it’s not necessary)
  • Paper (you can make and organize your own or print and fill in the one I have shared below)
  • A Positive Mindset, ready for a lifestyle change

Now, let’s get to it, babe.

Okay, you can do this one of two ways: alone or with others (love this option for accountability). Personally, I love to work up a messier rough draft with my friends and then redo a pretty decorated copy to hang up somewhere I will be able to see it every day.

Something I ADORE about this is my friends are in on it too (all people I’ve met from social media). We started it years ago and host a goal-setting “call” via Zoom, and it’s always different, which makes it so much fun! Each month, one person is in charge of directing the group and giving examples, motivation, and ideas for our lives. But girl, it’s so much fun!

You should join us 😉 (this is one of the MANY perks in the FREE social media mentorship training I offer for my affiliate marketing girlies).

Normally, I wouldn’t give it all away, but I promised I wouldn’t gatekeep over here in my cozy corner of the internet. So here we go.

Monthly Goal Setting

Grab your paper and pen and write the new month at the top!

Start thinking about who you are. Where are you at in life? Are you where you want to be? Is this where you thought you would be? Do you love yourself or your life? Do you have any habits (good or bad)? Do you wake up well-rested or absolutely exhausted? Do you have any routines or schedules, or is your life messy and unorganized? Wherever you may be at in your life right now, is that where you want to be next month, too?

My guess… probably not. I know my answer is always no. I want to grow, prosper, learn, and build. I want to find more success and happiness, make more memories, and I pray you do too.

Six Categories for Goal Setting

Alright, we’ve got six categories we’re going to dive deep into and set goals for:

  1. Health (my personal favorite)
  2. Finance
  3. Relationship/Family
  4. Home/Cleaning
  5. Self-Care
  6. Fun

And the final one we do is Social Media/Business goals, for us girlies with side hustles, who are working towards time and financial freedom.

Now, write down each category and pick 2-4 small goals/habits you want to get into for the month. The goal is to create habits that are feasible. We want these to be easy to STICK TO throughout the entirety of the month. We want these to help you become that girl—the one with her shit kinda together. That girl who is genuine, acts intentionally, takes her boundaries seriously, and has strong bonds.

Breaking Down Goals

Here’s what you want this to look like:

Let’s say you’re wanting to set some goals to get in shape or lose X amount of pounds. Instead of setting a goal to just “lose 10 pounds,” you want to break it down. HOW are you going to lose weight and get healthier? Break this down into simple habits. Maybe you’ll write drink 80oz of water each day, hit your step goal of 8k each day, or go to the gym 3x/week.

Does this make sense?

Small habits will make the world of difference, trust me. Now, keep going.

Below you can find an example copy of a monthly goal-setting page, with examples to reference back to, and a blank printable version you can fill in! Remember to make this fun, pretty, and aesthetic because when you’re done you’re going to hang this up somewhere you will see it every day.

Something I have also found helpful is taking my goal setting page and implementing my new habits into my routine and writing them in my calendar! With this I can schedule out date nights, what days I deep clean, and when my bills are due to get paid on time.

I am so excited for you and future you! 🙂 When you are finished please don’t hesitate to share this with me via this comment section or Instagram DM @jennifertayllor I would LOVE to hype you up and help hold you accountable! Let’s go girl.