I know how gross this sounds, but I swear free-bleeding has changed my life, and I will recommend it to everyone, especially my endo/PCOS girlies. Let me tell you why.

I’ve dealt with debilitating periods for the entirety of my womanhood. Some cycles have been better than others, but I have lived in fear of my upcoming period every day for years. The pain was so bad that people actually didn’t believe me. I got labeled dramatic, attention-seeking, lazy—the list goes on. I have missed out on so many things in life due to my period. I missed school, called into work more times than they’d allow, canceled dates, and plans with friends; my period puts a bright red stop sign on life. And it always felt so lonely. Literally nobody, not even a doctor, could sympathize with the rollercoaster of symptoms and emotions that came with a new cycle every month.

As my symptoms worsened, one day towards the end of 2022, I hit my breaking point. I remember sitting in my car, bawling my eyes out, terrified of my upcoming period, and just thought, “If I have to live like this forever, is it even worth it?” It was the saddest, most heart-breaking thought I’d ever had (not me tearing up, writing this at work). But it was also the most eye-opening because I had a point. I could not live life like that anymore; it was exhausting. So I made it my mission to do whatever I could to create more manageable, bearable periods. And I won’t claim I am a miracle worker by any means, but I will tell you what: I don’t need to call into work during my periods anymore (yes, they are still painful, but they are bearable with some OTC painkillers). Not to mention my cycles have been significantly lighter. I’d say I’m winning. 

Over this past year, I have made quite a few lifestyle changes to ease my period pain and make life work in my favor, but free-bleeding has been one of my top favorites. It was one of the first things I did, and it made a world of difference. There are so many reasons (aside from it being a little gross) to make the switch from tampons, discs, or those reusable cups to free-bleeding. 

1. Period Products Are Full of Toxic Chemicals

Yes, almost all period products, including pads, can contain harmful hormone-interrupting chemicals. However, when it comes to tampons and menstrual cups, you are actually inserting these off-balancing, harmful chemicals into your body—your most prized possession. And that alone was a no for me. These chemicals can offset your body’s natural hormones and cause their own set of damage.

2. Tampons are a Major Cause of Toxic Shock Syndrome

There are warning labels everywhere on a tampon box to make you aware of the symptoms, causes, and seriousness of TSS. But the side effects are endless and so scary to think about. I became most aware of TSS after seeing people share their TSS stories via TikTok. “Toxic Shock Syndrome is a rare and potentially life-threatening illness that is thought to be caused by infection with certain types of bacteria. Women who have their period (are menstruating) are most at risk of getting TSS, as it is thought to be associated with tampon use,” according to Cleveland Clinic. It is a very serious and life-threatening disease that attacks the body. While tampons have a high risk, reusable cups and pads carry significantly less risk.

3. Cramps Were WAY Worse With a Tampon or Reusable Cup

I don’t care what Google says; ask any woman with serious cramps to tell you. My cramps were so much worse when I used intravaginal methods during my period. I will stand by this till the day I die. Ditching tampons and those cup things was one of the first things I did when I decided to take control and find solutions to my period pain, and it helped more than I can put into words. Google claims period cramps cannot be linked to these alternative methods, but I absolutely believe it helped me create a healthier cycle with less pain, and it could help you too. 

Don’t get me wrong, free-bleeding grossed me out at first. But it’s made such a difference in my period pain that it doesn’t even matter. I have learned there are so many ways to maintain myself during my cycle, feel clean and sexy, all while doing daily tasks and functions (for the most part) during my period, and that is worth the world to me. It’s almost been an entire year since I decided it was time to take control of my cycle and heal my body, and I am so glad I did. Not only have I learned so much, but I have found a deep passion for helping other women do the same.

Switching to toxin-free period products and embracing free-bleeding might seem like a radical change, but for me, it was a life-changing decision. It helped reduce my period pain and allowed me to live my life without fear. If you’re struggling with similar issues, I encourage you to give it a try. You might just find the relief and freedom you’ve been looking for.