For as long as I can remember…

the question of what I wanted to be when I grew up used to stump me. It would send me in a whirlwind of google searches, even at the ages of 5, 6, 7… But nothing ever seemed to be “it”. While most kids my age were dreaming of becoming vets or astronauts, I was consumed by the idea of living life on my terms. But How? What does that even mean? I’ve spent the better half of my life bouncing between the tabs of the internet. If I wasn’t scouring the internet for unconventional ways to make a living (yes, this is what I did, even as a kid)  I was searching for the latest “at home” hair growth treatments and acne remedies.

Now, if you grew up in a town where everyone knew everyone. We’ve got something in common. I was born and raised in a cozy corner of Wyoming, a small-town girl with dreams as vast as our endless skies. I came from a family of business owners, it was in my blood to do something non-traditional. But, what? I was an outgoing, happy kid who could befriend just about anyone. Which allowed me to connect to a variety of cliques around school. Yet, even in our close-knit community, I leaned toward quiet nights in over rowdy nights out with friends. As soon as I could work, I made a pivotal decision to drop sports, extracurricular activities, and even the occasional school day, diving headfirst into the allure of the service industry. My family supported me through and through as I found myself in something we like to call “hustle culture.” The fast money the service industry offered was undeniably addicting, but it came at a price: overwork, exhaustion, and mental fatigue as early as the age of 15. What they didn’t tell me is once you immerse into the world of work, there is no out.

Like most Gen Z’s, my love affair with social media blossomed at an early age. As I navigated this digital world, I witnessed women worldwide transform this new social media phenomenon into streams of income, crafting lives they never needed a vacation from. It was around the age of 18 I realized all the time I’d spent searching for an answer to the daunting question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I was looking in all the wrong places. It was then I realized I wasn’t looking for a thing, I was looking for a feeling. I was looking for FREEDOM.

As soon as I could, I jumped at my first opportunity to find freedom. Which led me to a passion for exploration. I went on to spend the next 4 years traveling around the U.S, yearning for a place to plant my own roots and find people just like me. And to my surprise, outside of that tiny hometown I’d only ever known, there were endless opportunities.

As the pieces of the puzzle have fallen into place and my journey has started to make more sense, I’ve found myself in a unique position where I can blend my lifelong passions for natural self-care and wellness into a source of income. I’m on a mission to leverage my presence on social media to influence and inspire other girls, much like myself, who were searching for ways to elevate their lives but didn’t know where to begin.

Fast forward to today, and I find myself living thousands of miles away from my hometown, nestled in a charming southern small town that I now proudly call home. And here I am, navigating the tumultuous waters of my twenties, all while continuing to chase that elusive feeling of freedom one day at a time.